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Lunchtime Concert – Paulo De Assis Presents Beethoven’s Op. 61

26 October 12:00pm

Conservatory Concert Hall
Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

PAULO DE ASSIS, piano and presenter


An experimental exploration of

Concerto in D major, Op. 61


A culmination of a week-long workshop, this lunchtime multimedia experimental performance will be the result of a collaborative exploration of Beethoven’s soundscape through the mind of Paulo de Assis, reflecting his unconventional performance strategies, in dialogue with the musicians of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory’s orchestra.

In Beethoven’s catalogue, the number “61” refers not only to a violin concerto, but also to a piano concerto, a piece usually neglected by pianists and concert organizers. Whereas the violin version breathes serenity and lyrical expression, the piano version includes a fully notated cadenza full of rage, obsessive rhythms, and military motifs. Thus, the general character of the violin concerto seems to be upset by the piano cadenza. Are we missing something? Is there another way of approaching this piece? Are there any other pieces from that period, by Beethoven or others, that might shed new light on this discrepancy of characters? What is the role of a military march evoking the Marseillaise in the middle of the cadenza? Is there a hidden political agenda to Beethoven’s op. 61? These questions will be exposed within a musical framework, including selected passages from the concerto and other pieces, in a kaleidoscopic presentation of the richness of available materials and creative opportunities for innovative performance practices.

This performance is presented as part of Performers(‘) Present 2019: Telling Stories.


Narratives – whether historical, political, or musical; whether fact or fiction – are inextricably bound to the ways we experience the world, and the art that translates these experiences.

In the decade since we began hosting the triennial Performers(‘) Present symposium, artistic research has been undergoing rapid and ground-shifting transformations, with the performer’s voice becoming ever more present. As with our previous symposia, Telling Stories seeks to address and evolve the kaleidoscopic issues facing 21st-century performers, as they reflect on their practice in the context of significant shifts in politics, communications and technology, and performance practice. 

Come join us and the artistic research community at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music from 23 – 26 October 2019, as we reflect on the power of music narratives and celebrate their narrators in Performers(‘) Present 2019: Telling Stories.


• Free admission.
• All event information is correct at time of print.
• Out of respect for other concertgoers, no children under 6 years of age will be allowed admission.


October 26, 2019

Conservatory Concert Hall

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
3 Conservatory Drive, 117376 Singapore