Mix With YST

The Mix With YST (MWY) workshop aims to inspire current students in sound and audio arts in Singapore, and reach out to young engineers and musicians with a professional spirit, creative soul and a passion for the music recording industry.

Watch out this space for updates on the next MWY workshop!

MWY 2019 (29-31 August) featured three prominent artists, Darren Sim, Frank Lee and Dominik Streicher. 25 students attended each day’s masterclass, where they received expert guidance on mixing techniques from these artists.

MWY is certified by the YST Conservatory Audio Arts & Sciences area.

Have a query about MWY? Contact us via the button below.

Learn more about the YST Audio Arts & Sciences programme here.

For information on application procedures or other queries, please contact the YST Admissions Office at