Shaping A New Generation of Music Leaders

23 March 2022

One may think that a musician’s greatest focus is their craft – for example, their skills in playing their instrument or composing. Yet while musical craft remains fundamental, the evolving arts landscape as well as the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years make it increasingly clear that realities have shifted. Traditional models for performance and teaching careers have shifted, while cross-arts and digital explorations have pushed the boundaries of artistic presentation.

It is with this in mind that Jonathan Ngeow, ruan musician in the Singapore Chinese Orchestra, chose to take up the Master of Music Leadership (MMusL) programme at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YST Conservatory), National University of Singapore. He shares, “I believe in continually pursuing personal growth and never stagnating, and the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic was a good time to reflect on my professional future as an artist. In embarking on the MMusL, I hope to broaden my horizons and further develop the Chinese music scene in Singapore.” 

Jonathan in consultation as part of the MMusL course.

Prof Peter Tornquist, Dean of the YST Conservatory observes, “Today’s musicians – and indeed all professionals – increasingly need to be well-rounded – to be entrepreneurial and innovative, to harness technology, and to be adept in collaborating across disciplines. Further, as the arts scene continues to develop, we need musicians who have not only the agility to adapt to change, but also the vision to lead change in the sector.”

Yeo Jie Yuan, who is currently a band director and tutor as well as Executive Council member of the Band Directors’ Association (Singapore), shares that the programme has helped him to develop in strategic thinking. He hopes that these skills can help him better contribute to the Singapore band scene, enabling it to impact others just as it impacted him.

Jie Yuan in class.

“For me as a child, being in a wind band gave me structure, taught me discipline and helped me to see a larger purpose in life beyond just ticking the right boxes in class. Now that I am an educator and professional in the band scene, I hope to build communities where people of diverse backgrounds can come together to connect through and beyond music. Through taking part in YST’s continuing education course in conducting and subsequently joining the MMusL programme, I am developing my capabilities to better fulfill my goals for the Singapore music landscape.”

The MMusL was first launched in late 2021 and designed for music professionals with such ambitions to shape the wider ecosystem. To that end, the programme comprises modules in a wide range of topics including leadership, business, research, pedagogy, as well as contextual studies. The degree can be completed full-time or part-time, and learners who have taken continuing education modules at the Conservatory may apply the course credits towards their completion of the MMusL. The programme is open to both Singaporean and overseas applicants.

Assoc Prof Chan Tze Law, Vice Dean at the YST Conservatory adds, “Beyond the coursework, the MMusL is more importantly about the mindset of continual growth, and a community that supports these goals. Our students are already professionals who are active in their respective areas of expertise. The programme gives them the reflective space to incubate their ideas, the support to refine and pursue their goals, as well as practical tools to help them achieve their vision.”

MMusL student Damien Lim.

Damien Lim, who is a handbell conductor, educator and director of the company Ministry of Bellz, concurs. “Though my MMusL journey has only just begun, I have learned valuable frameworks that help reinforce and refine my work as an educator and director. I hope to develop myself as a leader and to further nurture the growth of future generations of music professionals to come.”

About the Master of Music Leadership at YST
The Master of Music Leadership (MMusL) is a 40-modular credit (MC) graduate coursework programme designed to support musicians who want to advance their skills and be leaders of change within the rapidly evolving musical landscape in Singapore and the world.

With an emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, the MMusL programme equips graduates to keep pace with the changes wrought by rapid technological development, digitalisation of the music profession and the societal need for inter- and cross-disciplinary competences and collaboration. Flexibility is also integrated into the curriculum, to aid in developing each student’s unique artistic trajectory. Graduates will thus emerge with an increased versatility that will allow them to adapt more quickly and effectively in their current and future career paths.

Matriculation to the programme will take place twice a year – once in Semester 1 (August) and once in Semester 2 (January).

More information on the MMusL programme here.

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