Piano, Pianist, Pianism in the Digital Age

Course instructor: 
Dr Koo Siaw Sing

Course date(s) and venue(s): 
27–28 May (9am–12pm), Recital Studio 
29 May (9am–12pm), Seminar Room 6 

This course caters to educators/musicians/digital media professionals and provides a historical overview of the piano keyboard, key pianists responsible for piano development, and pianism: the artistry of piano playing, techniques and composition.

Learners will be introduced to the ideologies which revolutionised the piano industry. They will learn how society helped it evolve and advance its techniques and find its eventual place as a technological tool.

For educators, the content knowledge and skills obtained can help them encourage more usage of the keyboard, and enrich students’ understanding of piano genres and its relevance today in many musical genres and media dimensions. Musicians can expand and sharpen their skills and musicianship with this historical knowledge, while digital media sector professionals can apply the skills to their creative works, such as with notation software and Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs).

This course consists of lecture and practical sessions. The lectures cover the following topics:

1) Historical development of the piano and its unique features.
2) Musicians or individuals who have made a great impact upon the piano industry.
3) Ideology in musical expression and teaching philosophy.

The practical sessions introduce keyboard improvisation, basic keyboard harmony and keyboard skills that are relevant to creative works and music teaching

Entry Requirements

Have some experience in playing the piano/music keyboard 


Passing of interview

Applications are open from 22 April to 13 May 2024.

Notes on applications:

After clicking the Apply Here button above, follow the steps below:

  • Identify yourself from the dropdown options.
  • Select the ‘Short Course/Modular Course’ option (this is a short course). Click ‘Applying for Myself’.
  • Click ‘Browse Academic Modules/Short Courses’.
  • Select ‘Short Courses’ from the dropdown.
  • Click on the ‘By Faculty’ dropdown (first item under More Filters). Scroll to the bottom and select YST.
  • The list of our Short Courses should appear. Select your module and select ‘Add to Cart’.
  • Once you are done choosing modules (up to five), select ‘Checkout’.

You can then proceed to create an application account to submit your personal details.

Please refer to the step-by-step registration guide here for more detailed guidance on these and the subsequent steps.