Charting Pathways '21 - Tseng Chieh-An

27 June 2021

TSENG CHIEH-AN ('21, Violin)

The most significant experience in my four years at YST would be being in the 2019 Conservatory Concerto Competition grand finals. It was such an amazing performing opportunity and I am very happy to have worked with Principal Conductor Jason Lai and the YST Conservatory Orchestra.

I am very thankful to my major teacher Prof Qian Zhou, who has really helped me develop my violin technique, musicality and artistic ideas. She also cares a lot about her students’ well-being, which was very heart-warming for me. A most memorable quote from her for me would be: “It is not enough to be a good violinist and a good student – you need to be an artist.”

I was accepted to five schools for Master’s studies (Juilliard, Colburn, Yale, Rice and Cleveland), and will be attending the Colburn School in Los Angeles!

Besides my violin playing, I feel like I have changed a lot in my personality. In this past year, I gained more confidence in myself, and became more daring at trying new things and opening up my mind. I would tell my Year 1 self, enjoy life more… don’t only stay in the practice room!

With Prof Qian Zhou
With Masato Suzuki, members of the Chofu Festival Orchestra, and fellow schoolmates
With TwoSet Violin and peer Lan Sheng-Chieh

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